7 Tips to Manage your Finance in Foreign Universities

Hostel life could bring the best out of a person and if it is a stint in a foreign university, surely the things you learn here about how to run your daily life hassle-free, will also help you in future. What influences you in a major way are the tricks learned to keep your finance in the best condition (as is permitted). Here we have offered you 7 tricks for the accurate management of your finance so that you do not find yourself in a lurch. Hopefully, an international students will find them very helpful during their student days in a foreign university.

 The 7 Points to Successfully Manage your Finance
  1. Do Not Lower your Confidence Level Down: What the overseas educational consultants suggest is to never undermine your capabilities. Till recently, you have been under the care and guidance of your parents. Suddenly, everything is going to change. Even if you have not handled your finances independently, you can do it now. Cultivate the inclination to learn the tips given by your elders and grow the sense of responsibility.
  2. Grow your Sense of Responsibility: Mostly, the young people lack in their sense of responsibility in the matters of finance. You have to keep it aside and become more responsible towards preparing a budget, grow a considerable saving fund and secure yourself from facing a financial crisis. Apart from this, you need to do a good deal of research in student loans, credit facilities and unique financial packages.
  3. Gather Knowledge About the Foreign Currency: You need to understand that the financial indicators influence a particular economy in a different manner. Hence, better to do a field work on the economy of the country where you have applied for a higher education degree. And please, do not repeat the mistake of comparing the price of products and services available in India with that sold in the foreign countries.
  4. Currency Mobility and the Best Way to Transact: Actual currency should be used where the cash is extremely fluid. The credit and debit cards are allowed in foreign countries. If your Indian bank has an agreement with a particular foreign bank, you might have to pay a lower fee for accessing your money out of the ATMs.
  5. Select the Best Student Credit Card: Only after employing a due diligence, select a student credit card that demands a little or no transaction fee. Put in your checklist the points like the transaction cost of ATM cards, the types of credit cards accepted in the foreign country etc.
  6. Be an Expert in Preparing the Budget: There are so many significant points to prepare a robust budget, like fixing the expenses for accommodation, food, utilities, sudy material and transport, keeping a tab on the variable expenses, as well as, building an emergency fund.
  7. Lead a Lifestyle within your Means: Do not get overwhelmed with the glitz and pomp. Participate in a healthy competition and not like if your fellow classmate has bought the latest iPhone so you must follow the suit.
For more information, better to call the experts. Get in touch with the educational consultants in Bangladesh. 

How to Select the Best Foreign University?

Carving the perfect career graph is probably impossible. However, we can turn it near-to-perfect. One of the first steps to consider is to select the best foreign university for your higher studies. Well, before you do that, you should first decide upon the country where you want to study! We are here to make things easier for you with the 5 tips for making the best career choice.

  1. Make a Perfect Budget Plan: Higher studies are expensive hence, it calls for a meticulous planning of your financial standing. Given the limited number of seats in the Government medical colleges in India, the students are sometimes forced to opt for the private institutes. However, the expense is too high. On an average, the total fees for the 5+1 years MBBS course could reach well above Rs 45 Lakhs! If you need to pay the capitation fee, it could reach up to Rs 1 Crore. Comparatively, the MBBS course fees in Bangladesh is Rs 24 Lakhs to Rs 30 Lakhs on an average. Similarly, in Nepal the course fee could reach at the most Rs 38 Lakhs for 4 years and 6 months duration. Interestingly, the course fees paid to any of the private medical colleges in India is well-above the one you need to pay for studying MBBS in one of the 10 top institutes of China. It is just above Rs 4 Lakhs per year.
  2. Assess Your Preparation: Mock tests are organised by reputed overseas higher education consultancies. You could make an assessment of your preparation via these tests. Several foreign universities offer scholarships for those who achieve top scores in the entrance level tests. A better scorecard opens up multiple avenues.
  3. Subjects That Raise Your Interest Level: Those who want to pursue a career in medicine, biology or engineering should conduct a minute research on the best-ranked universities by respective subjects. For engineering degrees, Germany is a popular destination. Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Philippines are rising in popularity among Indian students who want to study MBBS. Even the prestigious governing bodies like WHO and MCI (Medical Council of India) have recognised the medical universities of the above-mentioned countries. The successful degree holders could carve a career in India as well as in Europe, Australia and the USA.
  4. The Available Employment Prospects: What are your career plans? Do you want to settle in foreign or come back to India? Do you want to practice individually or join a hospital or a nursing home? Even a plan outline would help you decide your future in the best way.
  5. Assess the Eligibility Criteria: Again we would put some important questions before you. What is the success metric with the university alumni? Do the universities offer quality education on the subject of your choice? Are you opting for an undergraduate or a post-graduation degree course?
Hopefully, our tips would help you initialise your preparation. You could approach the overseas higher education consultants in Bangladesh for additional inputs and heighten the chances of your success.

7 Safety Tips for the Female Students while Studying Abroad

At first, let us take a look at the following statistics:
  • According to the Open Doors (2002) which is one of the leading sources of US national statistics regarding studying abroad, twice the number of undergraduate women enrol themselves with foreign universities.
  • According to a survey report published by UNESCO, a higher number of women prefer to travel overseas and get admission in foreign universities.
  • The research reveals that two-thirds of the total number of participants of overseas programmes are women.
All the facts point towards a singular inference that women prefer studying in the international schools. They are more open to accept the challenges that come with the change of environment. Indian women are also not behind the trend and they are crossing borders to seek quality education in foreign universities.

Without any doubt, the statistics are quite encouraging for the female students. However, before one takes the plunge, better to assess the risk factors and take adequate precautionary steps to avoid any problem in future.

1. Keep a Close Eye on the Surroundings and the People: Base your judgement on your observations. However, the extreme opposite is also not desirable in particularly when you are studying in a foreign university. Here, it is always better to keep your guard up. Do one thing! Always believe in your inner voice.    

2. Avoid Hitchhiking or Booking an Unlicensed Cab: Well, whatever might be our opinion formed after watching western movies, hitchhiking a ride is not a safe practice in any part of the world. 

3. At a Gathering, Do Not Leave your Food or Drink Unattended: Spiking a food or drink of an uncautious woman is a commonly played malicious prank. Thus, be attentive to your food or drink and never leave it unattended. Anyways, if you feel dizzy in your head then confide into a trusted friend and request him/her to take you to your accommodation or hostel room.

4. Respect the Varying Social Etiquettes of the Country: The Indian society is becoming liberal with the passing days. Thus, whenever students go to study in the foreign universities, the cultural difference does not take them by surprise. However, it is better to do your homework on the cultural beliefs and social etiquettes of your host country.

5. Do Not Compromise your Personal Xalues to Fit into the Lot: Do not fall prey to the peer pressure. You need not have to compromise your values to fit into the popular group. Be flexible as much as your values permit you. In the long run, your choice would earn you respect.

6. Handle your Finances Independently: Do not depend on friends on the matters of transaction in foreign currency. Save money diligently. 

7. Gel in with the Crowd during Travelling: While travelling alone, avoid flashing expensive gadgets or accessories. It may invite the undesirable attention of the muggers.

Apart from the internet, there are other resources for gathering information. You can also approach reliable overseas education counselors in Bangladesh.